Weez Beez Apps

Maestro di Logica 1 1.0.26
Weez Beez
MAESTRO di LOGICAMaestro di Logica – E' divertente FALLIRE :)Maestro di Logica è un nuovo gioco di puzzle con una serie dipuzzle creativi e soluzioni assurde a cui tu non avresti maipensato! Ogni puzzle è unico e spinge il vostro pensiero creativoal limite.Segui le istruzioni, risolvi gli enigmi, raggiungi tutti icheckpoint. Prova diversi modi per risolvere i problemi.Padroneggia il gioco, poi ridi mentre i tuoi amici e la tuafamiglia si spremono le meningi con questi apparentemente semplicipuzzle.Rigioca gli stessi livelli per aumentare il tuo punteggio inclassifica. Troverai 100 livelli unici, dove potrai utilizzare letue abilità di cervello, memoria e creatività.Questo gioco contiene umorismo e divertimento. Non tutti ipuzzle sono progettati in modo serio, alcuni sono fatti perl'intrattenimento. Questo gioco può essere giocato dai 7 ai 77anni. Questo gioco divertente Maestro di Logica è ora disponibilesu iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch ed è gratuito.Maestro di Logica è uno dei migliori puzzle game sul mercato.Caratteristiche- Gameplay semplice, ma una sfida per padroneggiarepienamente- 18 posti di controllo, ognuna con 5-7 livelli.- Totale 100 enigmi e un gameplay coinvolgente.- Classifiche globali- Sblocca nuovi set di problemi completando i livelli.- Grafica accattivante e un gameplay colorato- Sistema di suggerimenti che vi guiderà attraverso il puzzle- Separa i punteggi del livello, Punteggio Globale, Ricompense da1-3 Stelle- Semplici comandi: Tocco o Drag & Drop- Condividi i tuoi punteggi con i tuoi amici tramite il tuo accountFacebook o Twitter.- Aumenta la difficoltà- Aggiornamenti gratuiti con nuovi puzzle- Condividi i tuoi puzzle con i tuoi amici- Divertimento per tutte le etàParole chiave:Iq, prova, cervello, problema, puzzle, oggetti nascosti, logica,creatività, memoria, umore, divertimento, intrattenimentoCORRI CONTRO IL TEMPO - Quando hai risolto una serie di puzzle,si raggiunge un checkpoint. Si consiglia di ripetere gli stessilivelli e cercare di finire in un tempo più breve per ottenere ilpunteggio più alto.FACILE DA IMPARARE - Mai giocato a Maestro di Logica prima?Nessun problema! Il nostro primo set di problemi è un tutorialinterattivo che vi porta rapidamente attraverso le basi per esserepronti per il gioco.SUONO RIMASTERIZZATO ED OTTIMA GRAFICA - Rifatevi gli occhi e leorecchie con l'alta definizione grafica per i Retina Display,ottimizzato per iPhone e iPad.PIATTAFORME SUPPORTATE - iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android,Amazon e piattaforme web HTML5.CONDIVISIONE PUNTEGGI - È possibile condividere i punteggi chesi sono guadagnati con i vostri amici tramite il vostro accountFacebook o Twitter.MASTER LOGICMaster of Logic - It 's funny FAIL :)Master of Logic is a new puzzle game with a series of puzzles andcreative solutions absurd that you would never have thought ofthat! Each puzzle is unique and pushes your creative thinking tothe limit.Follow the instructions, solve the puzzles, you reach all thecheckpoints. Try different ways to solve problems.Master the game, then laugh as your friends and your family willsqueeze your brains with these seemingly simple puzzles.Replay the same level to increase your score on the leaderboard.You will find 100 unique levels, where you can use your skills tothe brain, memory and creativity.This game contains humor and fun. Not all puzzles are designedso serious, some are made for entertainment. This game can beplayed from 7 to 77 years. This fun game Master of Logic is nowavailable on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch and it's free.Master of Logic is one of the best puzzle game on the market.Features- Simple gameplay, but a challenge to master fully- 18 checkpoints, each with 5-7 levels.- Total 100 puzzles and addictive gameplay.- Global Leaderboards- Unlock new set of problems by completing levels.- Attractive graphics and gameplay colored- System of tips that will guide you through the puzzle- Separate the scores level, the Global Score, 1-3 StarsAwards- Simple controls: Touch or drag & drop- Share your scores with your friends via your Facebook or Twitteraccount.- Increase the difficulty- Free updates with new puzzles- Share your puzzle with your friends- Fun for all agesKeywords:Iq test, brain, problem, puzzle, hidden object, logic,creativity, memory, mood, fun, entertainmentRACE AGAINST TIME - When you have solved a series of puzzles,you will reach a checkpoint. It is recommended to repeat the samelevel and try to finish in a shorter time to get the highestscore.EASY TO LEARN - Ever played Master of Logic before? No problem!Our first set of problems is an interactive tutorial that leads youthrough the basics to get ready for the game.REMASTERED SOUND AND GREAT GRAPHICS - feast your eyes and earswith high definition graphics for Retina Display optimized foriPhone and iPad.SUPPORTED PLATFORMS - iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android, andAmazon HTML5 web platforms.SHARING SCORING - You can share your scores that you have earnedwith your friends via your Facebook or Twitter account.
Logic Master 2 – Tricky & Odd 1.0.17
Weez Beez
A brilliant and creative logical game with themost unusual & tricky questions.Looking for a game that is brilliant, creative and strange at thesame time? Now you can become a logic mastermind by solving themost unusual and tricky questions that you have ever seen!The game contains brilliant questions that incorporate use ofmemory, logic, attention, and the ability to think inunconventional ways.Logic master is the second version of a brilliant and unusualpuzzle game that tests your attention and ability to think outsidethe box.What’s New in this version-----------------------------------------OUTSIDE THE BOX: brilliant and at the same time unusual trickyquestions and it even gets crazier as you becoming the mastermindof the gameSUPERB WHILE ODD: guaranteed fun and giggle because you will neversee crazier logical questions than thisTRICKY QUESTIONS: with raised difficulty level you will have to payattention, use your creative mind and brilliance to solve the oddand strange questionsIF YOUR BRILLIANCE IS NOT ENOUGH: then you can always use somehints for all the tricky questionsEVEN MORE HINTS: if the question is too strange or unconventionalfor you, then the video solutions will helpBRILLIANT QUESTIONS: become a mastermind and solve 120 creative andunusual questions in 30 vibrant levelsKEEP YOUR SCORES: via Google Play and see who is the most brilliantlogic masterSHOW YOUR BRILLIANCE: by unlocking superb achievementsBE A MASTERMIND: choose from 3 difficulty levels of trickyquestionsQUOTES FROM EINSTEIN: it does not get crazier than this:)How to Play?--------------------------------------------Each level has 4 to 5 sequential questions. The wrong answer takesyou back to the beginning of the sequence. Completion of one levelunlocks the next one which will be crazier. Your scores are storedon the Google Play servers so you can compete against your rivalsor friends and see who will become the ultimate logic master.There are various achievements in the game such as collectingstars, completing levels. Each accomplishment gives you extrapoints.You CANNOT find a crazier puzzle game!Feel free to contact us with your feedback or suggestions atinfo@weezbeez.com.Follow us on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/WeezBeezGamesPlease leave a review if you like our app. Thanks!Have Fun!WeezBeez GamesWeezBeez.com
Maître Logique 1.0.14
Weez Beez
Vous n'avez pas besoin d'être un «génie» pourjouer au Logic Game Master. Toutefois, si vous êtes un génie, vousêtes les bienvenus :)Logic Master est un jeu de puzzle drôle simple mais addictifLogic Master est un jeu de puzzle amusant. Il y a environ 110problèmes mentales drôles. Vous avez besoin d'essayer desdifférentes approches pour trouver à la solution.CARACTÉRISTIQUESTrès simple et addictif jeu20 niveaux avec 110 énigmes drôles.Classements mondiauxMusique dépendance et des effets sonoresUn doigt ou la drague contrôlesVous devez suivre attentivement les instructions. Certainesquestions peuvent être difficile ou avoir besoin d'une approchedifférente pour résoudre.Essayez d'obtenir le meilleur score possible et montrer à vosamis que vous êtes pas un génie ou pas :)You do not need to be a"genius" for playing Logic Game Master. However, if you are agenius, you're welcome :)Logic Master is a simple but addictive puzzle game funnyLogic Master is a fun puzzle game. There are about 110 mentalproblems funny. You need to try different approaches to find thesolution.FEATURESVery simple and addictive game20 levels with 110 puzzles funny.World RankingsDependence music and sound effectsOr finger controls dredgeYou must follow the instructions carefully. Some questions maybe difficult or require a different approach to solve.Try to get the highest score possible and show your friends thatyou're not a genius or not :)
Мастер Логики 2 1.0.9
Weez Beez
Мастер Логики -это вторая версия забавнойигры, которая проверяет ваше внимание и способность мыслитьнестандартно. Вы можете скачать первую версию игры бесплатно сГоогле Плаы.Игра содержит вопросы, которые включают в себя использованиепамяти, внимания и умения мыслить нестандартно.Скачайте долгожданную игру Logic Master 2. Вы можете скачатьновую версию потрясающей игры из серии Logic Master БЕСПЛАТНО.*** Что Нового есть в этой версии игры- Еще более безумные вопросы- Гарантированное удовольствие и веселье- Уровень сложности был повышен- Подсказки на все вопросы- 120 креативных и оригинальных вопросов на 30 уровнях- Таблица Результатов, хранящаяся на сервере Google Play- Достижения- 3 уровня сложности- Цитаты ЭйнштейнаДля тех из вас, кто бредил нашей первой игрой и хотелБОЛЬШЕГО!Вы НЕ СМОЖЕТЕ найти более сумасшедшую игру-головоломку!Master Logic is a secondversion of a fun game that tests your attention and the ability tothink outside the box. You can download the first version of thegame for free from Google Play.The game contains questions that involve the use of memory,attention and ability to think outside the box.Download long-awaited game Logic Master 2. You can download anew version of a series of stunning games Logic Master FREE.*** What's New in this version there are games- Even more crazy questions- Guaranteed fun and fun- Difficulty been upgraded- Tips to all questions- 120 creative and original questions 30 levels- Results Table stored on the server Google Play- Achievements- 3 difficulty levels- Quotes EinsteinFor those of you who have raved about our first game and wantedmore!You will not find a more crazy puzzle game!
Мастер Логики 1.0.14
Weez Beez
Вам не надо быть гением, чтобы играть вМастера Логики. Всё же, если вы гений, - милости просим :)Мастер Логики - это простая, но захватывающая веселая игра впаззлы.Мастер Логики - это веселая игра, основанная на загадках. В нейоколо 110 забавных мыслительных задачек. Всё, что вам необходимо,это пробовать разные подходы, чтобы найти разгадку.ОСОБЕННОСТИОчень простой и привлекательный геймплей20 уровней со 110 весёлыми загадкамиМировая таблица лидеровПривлекательные музыкальные и звуковые эффектыУправление одним прикосновением пальца или перетягиваниемВнимательно следуйте инструкциям. Некоторые инструкции могутбыть коварными или нуждаются в нестандартном подходе, чтобыразгадать загадку.Попытайтесь набрать как можно больше очков и показать своимдрузьям, что вы гений или наоборот :)You do not need to be agenius to play in the Masters of Logic. Still, if you're a genius -you are welcome :)Master Logic - a simple but addictive fun game in jigsawpuzzles.Master Logic - this is a fun game based on riddles. There are about110 funny thinking brainteasers. All you need to do is to trydifferent approaches to find a solution.FEATURESVery simple and engaging gameplay20 levels with 110 merry riddlesWorld leaderboardAttractive music and sound effectsManaging a single touch of a finger or by draggingCarefully follow the instructions. Some instructions can beinsidious or require non-standard approach to solve the riddle.Try to score as many points and show your friends that you're agenius, or vice versa :)
Maestro di Logica 2 1.0.10
Weez Beez
Sei alla ricerca di un gioco brillante,creativo e allo stesso tempo insolito? Da oggi puoi trasformarti inuna geniale mente logica, rispondendo correttamente alle piùinusuali e insidiose domande che tu abbia mai visto!Il gioco contiene quesiti brillanti che richiedono l’utilizzo dimemoria, logica, attenzione e capacità di pensare in modi nonconvenzionali.“Maestro di Logica” è la seconda versione di un puzzle gamebrillante e insolito che mette alla prova l’attenzione e lacapacità di pensare fuori dagli schemi.Le novità di questa versione.-----------------------------------------FUORI DAGLI SCHEMI: Insoliti quesiti al contempo brillanti einsidiosi, che divengono più e più complessi con l’avanzare delgioco.SUPERBO MA ECCENTRICO: Divertimento e risate assicurati, con iquesiti di logica più folli che si siano mai visti.DOMANDE INSIDIOSE: L’aumento del livello di difficoltà implica lanecessità di prestare attenzione ed usare la propria mente creativae la propria arguzia per venire a capo degli insoliti ed eccentriciquesiti.SE L’ARGUZIA NON BASTA: Puoi sempre utilizzare qualchesuggerimento per risolvere tutti i quesiti insidiosi.ANCORA PIÙ SUGGERIMENTI: Se una domanda è troppo strana o nonconvenzionale per i tuoi gusti, le soluzioni video verranno in tuosoccorso.QUESITI BRILLANTI: Trasformati in una mente geniale e risolvi 120quesiti creativi ed insoliti divisi in ben 30 vivaci livelli.TIENI TRACCIA DEI PUNTEGGI: Tramite Google Play e scopri chi è ilmaestro di logica più brillante e arguto.SFOGGIA LA TUA ARGUZIA: Sbloccando traguardi eccezionali.DIVENTA UNA MENTE GENIALE: Scegli tra 3 livelli di difficoltà degliinsidiosi quesiti.CITAZIONI DI EINSTEIN: Impossibile superare un smile livello difollia :)Come si gioca:--------------------------------------------Ogni livello è composto dalle 4 alle 5 domande consecutive. Perogni risposta errata dovrai ricominciare dall’inizio. Completandoun livello sbloccherai il successivo. I tuoi punteggi sarannoarchiviati sui server di Google Play, consentendoti di competerecon i tuoi rivali o i tuoi amici e scoprire chi diventerà ilmaestro di logica definitivo.Sono presenti numerosi traguardi, quali la raccolta di stelle o ilcompletamento dei livelli, all’interno del gioco. Ogni traguardo tipermette di ottenere punti extra.IMPOSSIBILE trovare un gioco più folle di questo!Puoi inviarci i tuoi feedback o consigli all’indirizzoinfo@weezbeez.com.Seguici su Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/WeezBeezGamesSe ti piace l’app, scrivi una recensione. Grazie mille!Divertiti!Are you looking for abrilliant game, creative and unusual at the same time? Now you canturn into a brilliant logical mind, correctly answering the mostunusual and insidious questions that you've ever seen!The game contains brilliant questions that require the use ofmemory, logic, attention and ability to think in unconventionalways."Master of Logic" is the second version of a brilliant and unusualpuzzle game that tests your attention and the ability to thinkoutside the box.New in this version.-----------------------------------------OUTSIDE THE BOX: Unusual questions at the same time brilliant andinsidious, which become more and more complex with the gameprogresses.SUPERB BUT ECCENTRIC: Fun and laughter insured, with the questionsof logic and crazier than you have ever seen.Tricky questions: Increasing the difficulty level implies the needto pay attention and use their creative mind and his wit to get ontop of the unusual and eccentric questions.SE wit NOT ENOUGH: You can always use some suggestions to solveany tricky questions.EVEN MORE ADVICE: If a question is too weird or unconventional foryour tastes, video solutions will come to your rescue.QUESTIONS BRILLIANT: Turn yourself into a brilliant mind and solve120 questions creative and unusual split in 30 vibrantlevels.KEEP TRACK OF SCORING: via Google Play and find out who is themaster of logic most brilliant and witty.RAISES YOUR wit: Unlocking exceptional goals.BECOME A BRILLIANT MIND: Choose between 3 difficulty levels oftricky questions.QUOTES OF EINSTEIN: Can not exceed a level of insanity smile:)How to play:--------------------------------------------Each level consists of 4 to 5 consecutive questions. For everywrong answer you will need to start over. Completing a level willunlock the next. Your scores will be stored on the servers ofGoogle Play, allowing you to compete with your rivals or yourfriends and find out who will become the master of logicdefinitive.There are several goals, such as the collection of stars or thecompletion of the levels, within the game. Each milestone allowsyou to get extra points.IMPOSSIBLE to find a game crazier than this!You can send us your feedback or advice at info@weezbeez.com.Follow us on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/WeezBeezGamesIf you like the app, write a review. Thanks a lot!Have fun!
Logic Master 1 - Old Version 1.0.19
Weez Beez
!!! Important Note: Logic Master has beencompletely overhauled.We recommend you to download the new versioninstead of this version. This version is also playable and you canaccess all the levels. Checkpoints have removed and every failedlevel you will return to the beginning of the same level, not tothe checkpoint. Also in updated version image solutions addedinstead of video solutions.:) CREATIVE PUZZLE & ABSURD SOLUTIONS !!!You do not need to be "genius" to play Logic Master Game. Howeverif you are genius, you're welcome :)NOTE: If you failed, now you will see the Clue button and get aclue or the solution of the problems.Logic Master is a fun based puzzle game. There are 100 uniqueand funny problems. What you need is to try different approaches toreach the solution. This game is appropriate for ages 7-77.See Trailer Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVDe5X7j0nMFEATURES- Very simple and addicting gameplay- 20 Levels with 110 funny puzzles.- Global Leaderboards- High quality and lovely retina graphics- Addictive Music and sound effects- One finger touch or drag controls- Compete againist time and solve puzzles in a shorter timeHOW TO PLAYYou must follow the instructions carefully. Some questions may betricky or need a different approach to solve.CHECKPOINTSThere are total 20 checkpoints each having 5-7 puzzles. A newcheckpoint will be unlocked only if you can accomplish everypuzzles in the previous one. If you fail a problem then you willrestart the set all over again.SIMPLE CONTROLSYou can simply control the game by either touching no the objectsor dragging them with sliding fingers on the screen.LEADERBOARDSCompete with players from all over the world. Your best score willautomatically submitted to leaderboards when you reach anycheckpoint. Replay the same puzzles and try to reach the checkpointin a shorter time to raise your score.This is a different kind of funny test where you can measureyour iq. Try to get the possible highest score and show yourfriends you are not genius or not:)
Çifte Dikiş 2 1.0.31
Weez Beez
Çılgın...Sinir bozucu...Beynizorlayan...Güldüren...Şaşırtan...Gıcık eden...Bir oyun arıyorsanıztam yerine geldiniz... Böyle bir oyun YOK :) Ha var aslında ÇifteDikiş 1, ama konumuz o değil.O zaman durmayın indirin ve eğlenmeye başlayın!Türkiye'nin en eğlenceli, gerçekten farklı ve keyifli zekabulmaca oyunu Çifte Dikiş oyununun yeni sürümü parmaklarınızınucunda bekliyor...Araya bir not girelim: Son sürümde video çözümleri eklendi,artık ipucu yetersiz kalırsa çözüm videolarını daizleyebilirsiniz.Çifte Dikiş 2 - Oyunda neler var:----------------------------------------------------- Öncelikle daha çılgın sorular- Eğlenme ve gülme garantisi :)- Arttırılmış zeka düzeyi (Birinci oyuna göre)- Video çözümleri- Her soruya ait ipucu- 30 bölümde 120 yaratıcı ve özgün problem- Google Play Servisleri ile Puan Tablosu- Başarı tablosu- 3 farklı düzey (normal, ileri zeka ve süper zeka)- Tamamen Türkçe- Einstein'den özlü sözler (burayı seveceksiniz) :)- Ekstra ipucu almak için farklı yöntemler.İlk oyunumuzu beğenen ve bu oyun için beklentilerini dilegetiren tüm oyunseverler için:Garanti veriyoruz daha çılgın bir bulmaca oyunubulamazsınız!Crazy ... frustrating ...... laugh while forcing the brain ... Surprising ... Haters ...Welcome exact're looking for a game that ... NO :) such a gameactually has a double stitch 1 Ha, but that is not the issue.Then download to stop and start having fun!Turkey's fun, really different and enjoyable puzzle gameintelligence game is waiting for a new version of the double stitchat your fingertips ...Let's get together notes: video solutions were added in thefinal version, you can also watch videos of the solution remainsinadequate clue anymore.Double Stitch 2 - What's in the game:-------------------------------------------------- -- First more crazy questions- Guaranteed fun and laugh :)- Increased intelligence level (according to the first game)- Video solutions- Of each question hint- 30 parts in 120 creative and original problem- Scoreboard on Google Play Services- Success Statement- 3 different levels (normal, advanced intelligence andgenius)- Fully Turkish- Quotations from Einstein (you'll love it here) :)- Different methods to get extra hint.Which like our first game and voicing their expectations forthis game for all gamers:We guarantee you will not find a more frantic puzzle game!
Çifte Dikiş 1 - Eski Versiyon 1.0.25
Weez Beez
!!! Dikkat: Bu oyunun yeni versiyonu diğeroyunlar arasında yer almaktadır. Artık oyundaki yanınca tekrar başadönme olayı kaldırılmıştır ve yeni bölümler eklenmiştir. Yenisürümü indirmenizi tavsiye ederiz. Eğer bu sürümü seviyorsanız bunuda indirip oynayabilirsiniz...Çıldırtan soruları ve eğlendiren yanıtları ile yenilikçi birbulmaca oyunu: Çifte Dikiş!!!Problem çözmek ve hata yapmak hiç bu kadar eğlenceli olmamıştı!(*****Not: İpucu linki aşağıda*****)Tavsiyemiz soruları önce kendiniz çözmeniz, sonraarkadaşlarınıza gösterip biraz dalga geçme fırsatı yakalamanız,eğlenceli olduğunu göreceksiniz...Unutmayın oyunda BİRBİRİNDENFARKLI TAM 100 SORU VAR!!!Kısa notlar: Oyun tamamen ÜCRETSİZDİR, oyun içinde herhangi birşey satın almak zorunda değilsiniz, sadece oyuna konsantre olun veeğlenin :))) Bazı eski android sürümlerinde oyun yüklenmektesıkıntı yaratabiliyor, gerekli inceleme ve optimizasyonlaryapılacaktır, bunu yorumlarınıza yansıtmanıza gerek yok, ilginizeteşekkür ederiz...İpucu için:http://ciftedikis.com/cozumler/Android telefonunuz oyunu desteklemeyirsa, Facebook üzerindenoynayabilirsiniz:https://apps.facebook.com/ciftedikis/BU NE BİÇİM Bİ OYUN YAA?Bu oyunda ilk bölümlerdeki BASİT görünen soruları bitirinceartık sorulardan ve kendinizden şüphe duymaya başlayacaksınız.Unutmayın sorular saçma değildir, hepsinin kendi mantığı var. Tamamsizinkiyle aynı mantıkta olmayabilir, ama oyunun suyuna gidin,frekansı yakalayınca oyun daha keyifli olacaktır.Bu oyun aptallık testi veya IQ testi değildir. Bugüne kadarbildiklerinizi unutarak soruları çözmeye başlayın. Oyun sadece birzeka oyunu olmamakla birlikte alternatif çözüm yolları üretebilmeyeteneğinizi geliştirmenize yardımcı olacaktır (aslında bu bir zekabelirtisi ya, hadi neyse). Oynarken gülümseyecek ve bir sonrakieğlenceli soruya ulaşmaya çalışacaksınız.SINIFTA KALMAK YOK :)))Çifte Dikiş oyununda soruları çözmek için sizi yönlendiren soruyönergelerini dikkatle okumanız gerekecek. Bazen geyik tabirettiğimiz unsurları da barındıran, bununla beraber farklı çözümlerdenemenize teşvik eden problemlerle karşılaşacaksınız.HAVALI ARKADAŞLARA OYNAT, HAVANI AT!Oyunun en keyifli yönlerinden biri arkadaşlarınızın hatayapmasını izlemek! Kendiniz oynadıktan sonra yakınlarınızaoynatarak beraberce eğlenebilirsiniz. Özellikle çok zeki ve havalıolduğunu düşünen arkadaşlara uygulayın, sonucu sizi tatminedecektir :)))ÖZELLİKLERE BAKALIM:- Kolay kontroller (tıklama veya sürükleyip bırakma)- 18 gruba ayrılmış 100 eğlenceli soru- Puan cetveli- Eğlenceli grafik görselleri- İyi tasarlanmış müzik ve ses efektleri- Facebook ve Twitter üzerinden puan karşılaştırmaDEHA'MIYIM NEYİM BEN?Bu oyun okuma yazma bilen her yaştan insana hitap eden biroyundur. Esprili olmasının yanında ciddi de bir oyundur. Ailebireylerinizle de rahatlıkla oynayabilirsiniz.Çifte Dikiş oyununu oynayabilmek için “deha" olmanıza gerek yok.Eğer deha olduğunuzu iddia ediyorsanız da buradan ispatlamanız içinbir fırsat sunuyoruz :)E Bİ DE NASIL OYNANIYO ONU DUYALIM:Oyunda 18 seviye bulunmaktadır. Her seviye 5-7 arasında soruiçerir. Aynı seviye içerisinde herhangi bir soruda hata yaparsanız,o seviyenin ilk sorusuna geri dönersiniz. Bulunduğunuz seviyedekitüm soruları hatasız bir şekilde yanıtladığınızda o seviyeyibitirip, bir sonraki kilitli olan seviyeyi açmış olursunuz. Önemliolan sadece soruları çözmek değil aynı zamanda hızlı da çözerekyüksek puan almak. İlerleyen seviyelerde puan yükseltmek içintekrar aynı soru grubuna dönüş yapabilirsiniz.Detaylı bilgi için internet sitesi:http://www.ciftedikis.comİpucu için:http://ciftedikis.com/cozumler/Oyunu direk mobil telefondan oynamak için:http://ciftedikis.com/cep/!!! Attention: The newversion of this game are among other games. The event is nowremoved by lights up again to return to the beginning of the gameand added new sections. We recommend that you download the newversion. If you like this version, you can download and play it ...An innovative puzzle game with infuriating entertain questionsand responses: Double Stitch !!!It's never fun to solve problems, and make no mistake! (*****NOTE: ***** Tip link below)Our recommendation to resolve the questions yourself before,then capture the opportunity pass to show a little wave to yourfriends, you will find that fun ... Remember the game DIFFERENTFROM ONE ANOTHER QUESTION HAVE FULL 100 !!!Short notes: The game is completely FREE, you do not have to buyanything in the game, just concentrate on the game and have fun:))) Some older can cause trouble to install the game on androidversion, the necessary analysis and optimization will be done, youdo not need you to express your comments, thanks for your interestwe do...For tips:http://ciftedikis.com/cozumler/If desteklemey Android phone game, you can play throughFacebook:https://apps.facebook.com/ciftedikis/WHAT A GAME OR A FORM B?In this game it finishes SIMPLE question appears in the firstpart of the question now, and you start to doubt yourself. Pleasenote that questions are not silly, they all have their own logic.OK it may not be yours in the same manner, but the game went intothe water, frequency catch game will be more enjoyable.This game is not stupidity test or IQ test. Start solving thequestion of forgetting what you know so far. Game will not onlyhelp you improve your ability to generate alternative solutions,but is not a mental game (or actually it's a sign of intelligence,come anyway). To smile while playing and will try to reach the nextfun questions.STAY IN CLASS NO :)))Double Stitch game in question will need to carefully read theinstructions that guide you to solve the problem. Sometimes we callthat contains the elements of deer, however, you will experienceproblems with different solutions that encourage you to try.AIR PLAY FRIENDS A, AIR AT!One of the most enjoyable aspects of the game to watch yourfriends make a mistake! You can have fun together by playing yourrelatives after playing for yourself. Follow friends, especiallyconsidering that it is a very clever and cool, the result willsatisfy you :)))FEATURES BAKALIM:- Easy controls (click or drag and drop)- Split into 18 groups of 100 fun questions- Points chart- Fun graphics images- Well-designed music and sound effects- Facebook and compare scores via TwitterDEHA'MIY WHAT I AM I?This game is a game that appeals to people of all ages literate.In addition to being witty is a serious game. You can also playwith friends and family easily.To play the game Double Stitch "genius" do not need to be. Ifyou claim that you were genius also offer an opportunity for you toprove it here :)E B DE OYNANIYO HOW IT LET'S HEAR:There are 18 levels in the game. Each level contains between 5-7questions. If you make a mistake on any question in the same level,then you return to the first question of the level. If you answeredall questions correctly, but the level where you finish that level,you have opened the next locked level. not only solve the questionsthat are important to also get high scores in fast dissolving. Youcan return to the same set of questions in advance through thelevels again to raise scores.website for more information:I http://www.ciftedikis.coFor tips:http://ciftedikis.com/cozumler/Directly from the mobile phone to play the game:http://ciftedikis.com/cep/
El Maestro Lógico 1 1.0.11
Weez Beez
NOTA IMPORTANTE: El Maestro Lógico ha sidocompletamente rediseñado. Usa esta página actualizada para accederal nuevo y mejorado El Maestro Lógico. La versión antigua serádiscontinuada pronto.Un juego de lógica con las preguntas más inusuales y complicadasque requieren un enfoque creativo.¿Estás buscando un juego que sea brillante, creativo y extraño almismo tiempo? ¡Ahora puedes convertirte en un genio de la lógicaresolviendo las preguntas más insólitas y complicadas que hayasvisto jamás!El juego contiene preguntas complicadas que incorporan el uso de lamemoria, la lógica, la atención y la capacidad de pensar de manerapoco convencional.El Maestro Lógico es la primera versión de un juego tipo puzzlebrillante e insólito que pone a prueba tu atención y tu capacidadde pensar de manera creativa.Novedades de esta versiónEl sistema de puntos de control ha sido abandonado. En lugar devolver a empezar desde el principio de un nivel entero cada vez quefallas, simplemente repetirás el puzzle actual hasta que tengaséxito.Páginas de pistas avanzadas: en lugar de vídeos de soluciones quetardan tiempo en cargar y visualizar, se te presentarán pistasvisuales.- Nuevos puzzles locos y divertidos- Soporte de múltiples idiomas- Más de 100 puzzles- Tablas de clasificación mejoradas- Optimización de rendimiento y corrección de errores!!! PUZZLE CREATIVO Y SOLUCIONES ABSURDAS !!!No es necesario que seas un “genio” para jugar al juego ElMaestro Lógico. Aunque, si eres un genio, eres más que bienvenido aprobarlo :)El Maestro Lógico es un juego tipo puzzle basado en la diversión.Hay más de 100 problemas únicos y divertidos. Lo que tienes quehacer es probar varios enfoques creativos para llegar a lasolución. Piensa de manera creativa.CARACTERÍSTICAS- Juego muy simple y adictivo- Tablas de clasificación globales- Adorables gráficos de alta calidad dibujados a mano- Música y efectos sonoros divertidos- Control mediante deslizamiento o el toque de un dedo- Compite contra el tiempoCÓMO JUGARSigue las instrucciones detenidamente. Algunas preguntas pueden sercomplicadas o necesitar un enfoque distinto para resolverlas.TABLAS DE CLASIFICACIÓNCompite con jugadores de todo el mundo. Tu mejor puntuación seráenviada automáticamente a las tablas de clasificación cuandoalcances cualquier punto de control. Vuelve a jugar a los mismospuzzles e intenta llegar al punto de control en menos tiempo paramejorar tu puntuación.Intenta obtener la puntuación más alta posible y alardea de tu CIcon los otros jugadores.Ver el trailer en vídeo:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNQFMkWuLVISitio web oficial:https://weezbeez.commIMPORTANT NOTE: TheMaster Logic has been completely redesigned. Use this page updatedto access the new and improved Master Logical. The old version willbe discontinued soon.A logic game with the most unusual and complicated questionsthat require a creative approach.Are you looking for a game that is bright, creative and odd at thesame time? Now you can become a genius of logic solving the mostunusual and complicated questions you've ever seen!The game contains complicated questions that incorporate the use ofmemory, logic, attention and the ability to thinkunconventionally.Master Logic is the first version of a type bright and unusualpuzzle game that tests your attention and your ability to thinkcreatively.New in this versionThe system of checkpoints has been abandoned. Instead ofstarting again from the beginning of an entire level every time youfail, you simply repeat the current puzzle until you succeed.Pages advanced tracks: instead of video solutions that take time toload and view, you are presented with visual cues.- New crazy and fun puzzles- Support multiple languages- More than 100 puzzles- Improved Leaderboards- Optimization of performance and error correction!!! CREATIVE SOLUTIONS PUZZLE AND ABSURD !!!No need to be a "genius" to play the game Master Logical.Although, if you're a genius, you're more than welcome to try:)Master Logic is a type puzzle game based on the fun. There are over100 unique and fun problems. What you have to do is try severalcreative approaches to reach the solution. Think creatively.CHARACTERISTICSvery simple and addictive game -- Overall classification tables- High quality graphics Lovable hand drawn- Music and funny sound effects- Control by sliding or touch of a finger- Compete against timeHOW TO PLAYFollow the instructions carefully. Some questions may becomplicated or require a different approach to resolve them.LEADERBOARDSCompete with players around the world. Your best score will beautomatically sent to the leaderboards when you reach anycheckpoint. Again play the same puzzles and try to reach thecheckpoint in less time to improve your score.Try to get the highest possible score and flaunts your IQ with theother players.See the video trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNQFMkWuLVIOfficial website:https: //weezbeez.comm
ロジックマスター2 1.0.7
Weez Beez
大人気を博したトルコ生まれの一風変わった脳トレゲーム、LogicMasterの第二弾が日本語になって新登場、ロジックマスター2!!ダウンロード無料だよ!もっと楽しく、面白く、クレイジーなクイズがさらに充実。難易度レベルも格段アップ。盲点を付く問題が満載、発想力と独創性をガンガン試そう。新バージョンから全ての問題に隠しヒントが付きました。難しめのクイズでも少しずつ頭を慣らしてトレーニング!難易度レベルは全部で30、全オリジナルの独創的な問題が合計110問!ゲームを進めるにつれて達成度も上がるよ。Google Playから順位チェックも可能!アインシュタインからの引用句がところどころに散りばめられた知的アプリ。1ゲームをクリアしたら、次に挑戦したくなること間違いなしのぶっとび脳トレパズルゲーム。第一弾のLogic Masterにも是非挑戦してみてね。脳トレ、 ロジックマスター、パズル、 ロジックマスター2、Brain trainingUnusual brain traininggame of the Turkey-born gained popular, new appearance secondedition of Logic Master becomes Japanese, logic master 2! !Download Free!More fun, interesting, crazy quiz is further enriched.Difficulty levels also significantly up. We packed tell a blindspot problem, and pounding test run the originality andimagination.Tip hidden in all of the problems from the new version now has.Training to break the head little by little even in difficult thquiz!All difficulty levels in 30, all original ingenious issue atotal of 110 questions!Rise also achievement As you advance the game. Rank checkpossible from Google Play!Intellectual app that quote from Einstein studded here andthere. 1 Once the game was clear, then Buttobi brain trainingpuzzle game without a mistake that you want to challenge.I try to come challenge to first of Logic Master.Brain training, logic master, puzzle, logic master 2, Braintraining
Μάστερ Λογικής 1.0.11
Weez Beez
Δε χρειάζεται να είσαι ''ιδιοφυία'' για ναπαίξεις το Μάστερ Λογικής. Αν είσαι βέβαια ιδιοφυία, είσαιευπρόσδεκτος :)Το Μάστερ Λογικής είναι ένα απλό άλλα εθιστικό, διασκεδαστικόπαιχνίδι γρίφωνΤο Μάστερ Λογικής είναι ένα παιχνίδι γρίφων με σκοπό να σαςδιασκεδάσει. Περιέχει 110 διασκεδαστικάπροβλήματα λογικής. Αυτό που πρέπει να κάνετε είναι να δοκιμάσετεδιαφορετικές προσεγγίσεις για να βρείτε τις λύσεις.ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΑΠολύ εύκολο και εθιστικό παιχνίδι20 Επίπεδα με 100 διασκεδαστικούς γρίφουςΠαγκόσμιος κατάλογος υψηλότερων βαθμολογιώνΕθιστική μουσική και ηχητικά εφέΧειρισμός με ένα δάκτυλο, κλικ και σύρσιμοΠρέπει να ακολουθήσεις τις οδηγίες προσεκτικά. Μερικά προβλήματαμπορεί να είναι περίπλοκα ή να χρειάζονται μια διαφορετικήπροσέγγιση για να λυθούν.Προσπάθησε να πάρεις τη μεγαλύτερη βαθμολογία και δείξε στουςφίλους σου αν είσαι ιδιοφυία ή όχι :)You do not have to be a'genius' to play the Master Logic. If you are a genius, of course,you're welcome :)The Logic Master is a simple but addictive puzzle game funThe Master Logic is a puzzle game designed to entertain you.Contains 110 funlogic problems. What we need to do is to try different approachesto find solutions.FEATURESVery easy and addictive game20 Levels of 100 entertaining puzzlesGlobal high score listAddictive music and sound effectsOperating with a finger, click and dragYou must follow the instructions carefully. Some problems may becomplex or require a different approach to solve.Try to get the highest score and show your friends you're agenius or not :)
Mestre da Lógica 1.0.12
Weez Beez
Você não precisa ser um gênio para jogar oMestre da Lógica. Porém se você é um gênio, você é bem vindo :)Mestre da Lógica é um jogo simples porém vicianteMestre da Lógica é um jogo divertido de quebra cabeças. Existemcerca de 110 problemas lógicos. O que você precisa fazer é tentardiferentes aproximações para cada soluçãoFUNÇÕES- Jogabilidade muito simples e viciante- 20 níveis com 110 quebra cabeças engraçados- Tabela global de líderes- Música viciante e efeitos de som- Controle com um toque ou arrastandoVocê deve seguir as instruções cuidadosamente. Algumas perguntaspodem ser complicadas ou podem requerer uma aproximação diferentepara resolver.Tente obter a pontuação mais alta e mostre para os seus amigosse você é um gênio ou nãoYou do not need to be agenius to play the Master of Logic. But if you're a genius, you'rewelcome :)Master of Logic is a simple but addictive puzzle gameMaster of Logic is a fun puzzle game. There are about 110logical problems. What you need to do is try different approachesfor each solutionFUNCTIONS- Simple and addictive gameplay- 20 levels with 110 heads breaks Funny- Global Leaderboard- Addictive Music and sound effects- Control with a touch or draggingYou must follow the instructions carefully. Some questions maybe complicated and may require a different approach to solve.Try to get the highest and show it to your friends score if youare a genius or not
Logikmester 1.0.9
Weez Beez
Du behøver ikke at være et "geni" for atspille Logikmester spillet. Men hvis du er et geni, skal du værevelkommen :)Logikmester er et enkelt, men vanedannende, sjovt opgavespilLogikmester er et opgavespil, der er baseret i sjov. Der eromkring 110 sjove hjernevridere. Du skal prøve forskelligefremgangsmåder for at finde løsningen.FUNKTIONERMeget enkelt og vanedannende spil20 niveauer med 100 sjove opgaver.Globale ranglisterVanedannende musik og lydeffekterStyres ved at røre eller trække med en fingerDu skal følge vejledningerne omhyggeligt. Nogle spørgsmål kanvære vanskelige og kræve en anderledes fremgangsmåde for atløses.Prøv at få den højst mulige score og vis dine venner, om du eret geni eller ej :)You do not have to be a"genius" to play Logic Master game. But if you're a genius, you arewelcome :)Logic Master is a simple but addictive fun puzzle gameLogic Master is a puzzle game based in the fun. There are about110 fun brainteasers. You need to try different methods to find thesolution.FEATURESVery simple and addictive game20 levels with 100 fun puzzles.Global rankingsAddictive music and sound effectsControlled by touching or dragging a fingerYou must follow the instructions carefully. Some questions maybe difficult and require a different approach to be solved.Try to get the highest score and show your friends, you're agenius or not :)
逻辑大师2 1.0.7
Weez Beez
下载期待已久的逻辑大师2,您可以免费下载最棒的头脑游戏系列逻辑大师的新版本。游戏包含的问题结合了记忆力,注意力和非传统思考方式能力。新版本中有什么--------------------------------更疯狂的问题保证乐趣和笑声难易度已被提高s所有问题的提示30个级别,120个创意的原创问题通过Google Play的评分板成就3个难度级别对于那些极力夸赞我们的第一个游戏,并希望更多游戏的您!您无法找到一个比这个更疯狂的益智游戏!Download awaitedlogicMaster 2, you can download a new version of the best mindgameseries logic master.The game contains a combination of problems in memory,attentionand non-traditional ways of thinking ability.What's new releases--------------------------------More crazy questionsGuaranteed fun and laughterDegree of difficulty has been raisedTip s all issuesOriginal issue 30 levels, 120 ideasThrough Google Play ratings boardAchievement3 difficulty levelsFor those who raved about our first game, and hope that moreofyour game!You can not find a more crazy than this puzzle game!
Tebak Gila 2 1.0.8
Weez Beez
Download Tebak Gila 2 yang palingditunggu.Anda dapat mendownload versi terbaru dari seri gameingatan dasyatLogic Master secara GRATIS.Apa yang baru di versi ini------------------------------------------ Pertanyaan yang lebih gila- Dijamin menyenangkan dan cekikikan- Level sulit sudah ditingkatkan- Hint untuk semua pertanyaan- 110 pertanyaan orisinil dan kreatif dalam 30 level- Papan Skor lewat Google Play- Pencapaian-3 level kesulitan- Kutipan dari EinsteinBagi Anda yang merancau pada pertandingan pertama kami daninginLAGI!Anda TAK AKAN BISA menemukan game teka-teki yang lebih gila!Download Guess Crazy2most awaited. You can download the latest version of theseriesgame Logic Master terrible memories for FREE.What's new in this version------------------------------------------ Questions crazier- Guaranteed fun and giggles- Level tough improved- Hint to all questions- 110 original and creative questions in 30 levels- Scoreboard on Google Play- Achievement -3 Levels of difficulty- Excerpt from EinsteinFor those of you who merancau on our first game andwantMORE!CAN you WILL NOT find a puzzle game that is crazy!
Lustiges Rätsel 2 1.0.7
Weez Beez
Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem Spiel dasbrillant, kreativ und zur gleichen Zeit verrückt ist? Lösen Sie dieungewöhnlichsten und kniffligsten Fragen, die Sie jemals gesehenhaben, und werden Sie zum Logikgenie!Das Spiel enthält brillante Fragen die das Gedächtnis, Logik,Aufmerksamkeit, und die Fähigkeit, auf unkonventionelle Weisedenken, fördern.Lustiges Rätsel ist die zweite Version eines brillanten undungewöhnlichen Puzzlespiels, das Ihre Aufmerksamkeit undQuerdenkvermögen auf die Probe stellt.Was gibt es neues in dieser Version------------------------------------------------------ÜBER DEN TELLERRAND HINAUS: Brillante und zur gleichen Zeitungewöhnlich knifflige Frage die im Verlauf des Spieles immerverrückter werdenHERVORRAGEND UND SELTSAM: Garantierte Unterhaltung undGelächter. Sie werden nirgendwo verrücktere Fragen wie diesefindenKNIFFLIGE FRAGEN: Mit dem gehobenen Schwierigkeitsgrad wird IhreAufmerksamkeit auf die Probe gestellt, nutzen Sie Ihr kreativesDenkvermögen und Brillanz um die verrückten und komischen Fragen zulösenSOLLTE IHRE BRILLANZ NICHT AUSREICHEND SEIN: Dann können Sie zurNot Hinweise zum Lösen der Fragen verwendenNOCH MEHR HINWEISE: Sollte die Frage zu komisch oderungewöhnlich sein, dann helfen Ihnen vielleicht die Videos mitLösungenBRILLANTE FRAGEN: Werden Sie zum Mastermind und lösen Sie 120kreative und ungewöhnliche Fragen in 30 dynamischen LevelsIHRE PUNKTZAHLEN: Per Google Play können Sie sehen wer das wahreGenie in Ihrem Freundeskreis istVORZEIGEN IHRER BRILLANZ: Durch die Freischaltung vonhervorragenden ErrungenschaftenWERDEN SIE ZUM MASTERMIND: Wählen Sie zwischen 3 verschiedenenSchwierigkeitsstufen von TrickfragenZITATE VON EINSTEIN: Es geht kaum noch verrückter Ein brillantes und kreatives Logikspiel mit den ungewöhnlichsten& kniffligsten Fragen.Wie wird gespielt?------------------------------------------------------Jeder Level hat 4 bis 5 aufeinanderfolgende Fragen. Eine falscheAntwort bringt Sie zum Anfang der Sequenz zurück. Der Abschlusseines Levels schaltet einen weiteren, noch verrückteren Level frei.Ihre Punktzahlen werden auf den Google Play Server gespeichert,sodass Sie gegen Ihre Rivalen und Freunde antreten können undherausfinden, wer das wirkliche Genie ist.Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Errungenschaften in diesem Spiel, wiez.B. das Sammeln von Sternen und abschließen von Levels. JedeErrungenschaft gibt Ihnen extra Punkte.Sie WERDEN KEIN verrückteres Spiel finden können!Bei Fragen oder Feedback kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unterinfo@weezbeez.com.Folgen Sie uns auf Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/WeezBeezGamesBitte hinterlassen Sie eine Bewertung für unsere App.Danke!Viel Spaß!WeezBeez SpieleWeezBeez.comAre you looking for agame which is brilliant, creative and at the same time crazy?Loosen the unusual and tricky questions that you have ever seen,and become the logical genius!The game contains brilliant questions the memory, logic,attention, and the ability to think in an unconventional waypromote.Funny puzzle is the second version of a brilliant and unusualpuzzle that is your attention and cross-thinking skills to thetest.What's new in this version?-------------------------------------------------- ----Outside the box: Brilliant and at the same time unusually trickyquestion which are always crazy during the gameOutstanding and strange: Guaranteed entertainment and laughter.You will find nowhere crazier questions like theseTricky questions: With the upscale Difficulty your attention isput to the test, you can use your creative thinking skills andbrilliance to the crazy and funny questions to solveSHOULD NOT be sufficient brilliance: Then you can use hints tosolve the questions on emergencyMORE INFORMATION: Should the question be too weird or unusual,you might also help with video solutionsBRILLIANT QUESTIONS: Are you going to mastermind and solve 120creative and unusual questions in 30 dynamic levelsYour scores: You can pay Google Play see who is the true geniusin your circle of friendsShowing your BRILLIANCE: Through the activation of outstandingachievementsBECOME A MASTER MIND: Choose between 3 different levels of trickquestionsQUOTES OF EINSTEIN: It does not get much crazier A brilliant and creative logic game with the most unusual andtricky questions.How to play?-------------------------------------------------- ----Each level has 4 to 5 consecutive questions. A wrong answerbrings you back to the beginning of the sequence. The completion ofa level switches another, even crazier level freely. Your scoresare stored on the Google Play server, allowing you to competeagainst your rivals and friends and find out who is the realgenius.There are a number of achievements in this game, such as collectingstars and completing levels. Each achievement gives you bonuspoints.You can find not become crazier game!For questions or feedback, please contact us underinfo@weezbeez.com.Follow us on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/WeezBeezGamesPlease leave a review for our app. Thank you!Have fun!WeezBeez GamesWeezBeez.com
Space Bouncer Survive or Die 1.0.1
Weez Beez
Survive and complete all quests
Logic Master 1 Mind Twist 3.5.1
Weez Beez
Logic Master simply makes you smarter. Creative Logic Game withAbsurd Solutions
Find in Mind Brain Training 2.7.1
Weez Beez
Train your brain! Increase your attention, creativity and memoryskills
Logic Master Tricky and Odd 2.8.5
Weez Beez
Boost your IQ with insane puzzles
Riddles Dad Jokes Puzzle 1.0.30
Weez Beez
OMJ Funny dad jokes, puns and riddles puzzle
Word Puzzle Cafe
Weez Beez
Sharpen your mind and guess the words
Kutup Esprileri - Kelime Bulma 1.0.42
Weez Beez
Word puzzle for cool jokes lovers